ABOUT wow science

We are an academic enrichment program that features hands-on STEM projects and experiments.



Wow Science is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to cultivating and promoting students’ interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). We are an academic enrichment program that features hands-on STEM projects and experiments, activity-based math, educational games and simulations, exploration of the intersection of art and science, online classes and tutoring sessions. Since 2010, hundreds of students have benefited from our programs.


Our mission is to spark, cultivate, and promote children’s interest in science, technology, engineering and math.

OUR Vison

To give every child an opportunity to be curious and excited about STEM.

Overarching Goal

Our ultimate goal is to increase the number of students who successfully enroll in a STEM field in college.

Specific Program Objectives

The following represent the specific goals of the summer STEM camp program:

1. Promote children's interest in science. A recent Bayer-sponsored study added to evidence that children can develop a lifelong interest in science at a young age.¹ Wow Science presents science in a manner that piques and nurtures children’s interest. An important element of our program is to demystify complex science topics. We engage campers in creative projects and experiments. As they watch their efforts come to life and are "wowed" by their accomplishments, we begin to teach the science behind their achievement. This approach has been proven extremely effective in sustaining interest in science.

2. Reinforce classroom learning. A meta-analysis of 39 studies concluded that summer learning loss equaled at least one month of instruction during a regular school year.² This loss is particularly pronounced in math, science, and other subjects that involve the acquisition of “factual and procedural knowledge”.³ Our program is designed to reinforce classroom learning and promote retention through fun, hands-on STEM projects, and math lessons and simulations that reinforce what was taught in the classroom.

3. Expose children to career options in STEM. This part of our program is designed to help campers understand that the astronauts, chemists, engineers, and other STEM professionals they know and hear about were once normal, unassuming children. With the proper foundation and guidance, every child can have the opportunity to thrive in a STEM field.



1. Jemison, Mae C. (2010). Building a Diverse United States STEM Workforce: Perspectives on Creating Successful Business Education Partnerships. A BAYER Sponsored study.

2. Cooper, H., Nye, B., Charlton, K., Lindsay, J., & Greathouse, S. (1996). The Effects of Summer Vacation on Achievement Test Scores: A Narrative and Meta-analytic Review. REVIEW OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, 66(3), PP. 227-268.

3. Cooper, H. et al (1997).